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Solar CCTV System
Sunstone Systems

Our News, Technologies and Breakthroughs.

Welcome to Sunstone Systems' News page, where you can stay up-to-date on the latest developments in our innovative range of products. We specialize in providing cutting-edge technology solutions for security and power management, including our Solar CCTV System, Solar Power Station, and IO System.

Our Solar CCTV System is a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solution for monitoring remote sites without the need for grid power. With its solar-powered camera, motion detection, and remote access capabilities, it's the perfect choice for surveillance in areas without reliable electricity.

Our Solar Power Station is a portable and versatile power solution that can be used for a wide range of applications, from off-grid power for outdoor events to emergency backup power during a power outage. With its high-capacity battery and solar panels, it's the ideal choice for reliable and sustainable power on-the-go.

Our IO System is a powerful and flexible control system that can be customized to meet the specific needs of your business. Whether you're looking to manage security systems, automate industrial processes, or optimize energy use, our IO System has the features and capabilities to help you achieve your goals.

At Sunstone Systems, we're committed to delivering innovative and high-quality products that help our customers achieve their goals. Check out our News page to learn more about our latest product releases and industry updates.

London, UK, 1st April 2024 - British technology innovator Sunstone Systems has announced a significant milestone today with the launch of their pioneering suite of surveillance and communications platforms in partnership with global distributor Wesco Anixter. This collaboration marks a significant advancement for Sunstone Systems as they introduce their cutting-edge solutions to a global audience, empowering leading companies worldwide with state-of-the-art technology.

Sunstone Systems Partners with Global Distributor Wesco Anixter to Launch Groundbreaking Surveillance and Communications Platforms

Sunstone Systems has established itself as a trailblazer in the development and patenting of solar-powered platforms, offering unparalleled surveillance, wireless networks, and communications capabilities to sites across the globe. Their innovative solutions are designed to operate seamlessly in any geographic location, terrain, or environmental condition. Notably, Sunstone's zero-emission products play a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions across various sectors including energy, defence, construction, and telecommunications.

Partnering with Wesco Anixter, a prominent global distributor renowned for its expertise in Communications & Security Solutions, Electrical & Electronic Solutions, and Utility Power Solutions, Sunstone Systems aims to extend the reach of its groundbreaking technologies.

Commenting on the collaboration, Paul Schelhaas from Sunstone Systems stated, "We are thrilled to partner with Wesco Anixter, a leader in global distribution, to bring our innovative solutions to a wider audience. This partnership represents a significant milestone for Sunstone as we continue our mission to revolutionise surveillance and communications technology, while contributing to global sustainability efforts."

Wesco Anixter's extensive global distribution network, coupled with their supply chain and technical expertise, will play a pivotal role in amplifying the accessibility of Sunstone Systems' groundbreaking products. Together, the partnership aims to lower the cost, risk, and complexity of customers' supply chains while delivering exceptional value and performance.

Ensuring reliable connectivity in remote regions has historically posed significant challenges. However, technological advancements have ushered in innovative solutions, with solar-powered platforms emerging as a highly capable option. These platforms utilise solar energy to provide sustainable and efficient power solutions, catering to the diverse needs of off-grid locations. By integrating solar panels, energy storage systems, and advanced monitoring capabilities, these platforms offer a reliable and scalable approach to connectivity in even the most remote areas. With their versatility, reliability, and sustainability, they can revolutionise remote communications, bridging gaps, and bringing the disconnected places and ‘not spots’ closer together. As technology continues to advance, the potential for solar-powered solutions to empower remote communities and drive global connectivity forward is limitless.

What are the basic features of these platforms?

  • Solar Panels Solar-powered platforms rely on photovoltaic panels to convert sunlight into electricity. These panels are often designed to be durable, weather-resistant, and efficient in capturing solar energy.

  • Energy Storage Systems Battery systems store excess solar energy generated during daylight hours for use during periods of low or no sunlight. These battery systems ensure continuous operation and uninterrupted power supply, even during cloudy days or nighttime.

  • Monitoring and Control Systems Integrated systems offer real-time monitoring and control capabilities, allowing users to track energy production, consumption, and system status. Remote management features enable adjustments and troubleshooting, enhancing overall reliability.

  • Modularity and Scalability Solar platforms are often designed with modularity, allowing users to expand the system by adding more panels or batteries as needed. This scalability makes them adaptable to varying energy demands and different applications.

  • Versatile Integration Capability To maximise the capability of these off-grid power platforms, they should be able to integrate a range of telecommunications devices, methods and approaches to suit the customer's operational requirements and deployment location.

What are the benefits of solar-powered telecommunications platforms?

  • Renewable Energy Source Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source, reducing reliance on non-renewable fossil fuels and minimising environmental impact.

  • Cost Savings Once installed, solar-powered platforms have low operational costs as sunlight is free. This can lead to significant cost savings over time, especially in remote locations where traditional power infrastructure may be impractical.

  • Off-Grid Capability Solar platforms enable off-grid operations, making them ideal for remote locations where access to the conventional power grid is challenging or costly.

  • Reduced Environmental Footprint Solar power is a green energy solution that produces minimal carbon emissions, contributing to a reduced environmental footprint compared to conventional power sources.

  • Reliable Connectivity Solar-powered platforms play a crucial role in delivering reliable connectivity to remote areas. They power communication infrastructure, such as cellular base stations, wireless point-to-point, and multipoint networks, ensuring seamless connectivity.

Solar-powered platforms offer a sustainable and efficient solution for delivering power to remote locations. With features like modularity, real-time monitoring, and scalability, coupled with benefits such as cost savings and reduced environmental impact, these platforms can change the way we address energy needs in off-grid and disconnected areas.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the challenge of reaching and connecting remote areas with limited infrastructure persists. In response to this challenge, solar-powered platforms have emerged as a transformative force, providing sustainable and efficient solutions to power various communication methods. 

Robust and Always-On Cellular Connections

By harnessing solar energy, these platforms can facilitate the deployment of mobile networks, ensuring that even the most secluded locations can receive reliable cellular services. The synergy of solar power and cellular connectivity addresses the critical need for communication infrastructure in areas where traditional power sources are impractical.

With the expanding cellular signal coverage and enhanced network speeds throughout the UK, a plethora of efficient and secure communication alternatives are emerging. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology in antennas and telecommunication hardware enables the optimisation of signal strength and quality, maximising efficiency. Moreover, by employing the appropriate equipment, the detrimental effects of noise and interference, which substantially impact communications, are markedly diminished, consequently enhancing the overall connection quality.

In addition, data compression techniques are employed to allow for maximum use of available bandwidth, carrying much more data, faster than ever before. Encryption, tunnelling and data security technologies also ensure that more data isn’t just sent faster, but safer without hindrance to performance ensuring modern-day cyber security policies are met and enforced.

Solar CCTV System
RAFT System (UK Specification)

Wireless Point-to-Point and Multipoint Networks

Solar-powered wireless networks play a pivotal role in connecting remote locations seamlessly. Through point-to-point and multipoint configurations, data can be transmitted wirelessly over long distances. This not only enhances connectivity but also minimises the need for extensive physical infrastructure, making it a cost-effective and sustainable solution. Solar technology empowers these networks to bridge communication gaps efficiently while embracing eco-friendly practices.

Wireless point-to-point links are invaluable for providing high-speed and reliable links between locations where environments don't allow for traditional and often costly cabling to be installed. Using the latest wireless equipment, high-speed links of over 1 GB can now be established over incredible distances making this technology more powerful than ever.

High levels of encryption also ensure the security of these links and the protection of the data they contain. These links offer the ability to be fully managed and maintained ensuring optimum performance at all times and have become a very powerful weapon in the wireless communication arsenal.

Pushing Connectivity Further using Satellites

In regions where terrestrial networks are impractical, satellite communication powered by solar technology is a connectivity lifeline. Solar-powered satellites enable seamless data transmission, providing connectivity to even the most isolated corners of the globe. This solution ensures a consistent flow of communication without relying on ground-based infrastructure. Solar energy becomes the driving force behind maintaining connectivity in areas where traditional means fall short.

Satellite connectivity does not rely on traditional telecommunications infrastructure and only needs a clear view of the sky.  Recent and rapid advancements in this technology have been game-changing in the world of telecommunications, offering endless solutions to environments where recently there were none. High speeds that outperform ADSL and 4g/5g in rural areas have made this technology a leading choice for high-dependant communications. Fully integrating into network infrastructure combined with renewable energy, they combine to make a truly efficient remote solution to an incredible number of challenges.

Emerging trends and future developments in solar-powered technology for remote connectivity

The future of remote communication infrastructure powered by solar technology holds immense promise. With continued advancements in solar panel efficiency, energy storage solutions, and connectivity technologies, we can expect to see more reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions for connecting remote communities. This includes:

Solar Panel Efficiency:

  • Next-Generation Materials: Research is ongoing to develop solar panels using advanced materials such as perovskite, thin-film, and multi-junction cells. These materials promise higher efficiency and lower production costs compared to traditional silicon-based solar panels.

  • Tandem Solar Cells: Tandem solar cells, which combine multiple layers of different materials to capture a broader spectrum of sunlight, are gaining traction. These cells can achieve higher efficiencies by maximising light absorption and minimising energy loss.

  • Improved Manufacturing Processes: Innovations in manufacturing techniques, such as roll-to-roll printing and automated assembly, are streamlining the production of solar panels, reducing costs, and increasing scalability.

Energy Storage Solutions:

  • Advanced Battery Technologies: Lithium-ion batteries currently dominate the energy storage market, but research is underway to develop next-generation battery technologies with higher energy density, faster charging rates, and longer lifespan.

  • Hybrid Energy Systems: Integrating multiple energy storage technologies, such as batteries, and methanol fuel cells into hybrid energy systems can optimise performance, enhance reliability, and accommodate fluctuating energy demands in remote environments.

Connectivity Technologies:

  • 5G and Beyond: The rollout of 5G networks is set to transform remote connectivity by offering higher speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity. Future developments in 5G, such as mmWave technology and network slicing, will further enhance connectivity in remote areas.

  • Satellite Constellations: Advances in satellite technology, including low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations, promise to deliver high-speed internet connectivity to even the most remote regions. Companies like SpaceX, OneWeb, and Amazon are investing in satellite mega-constellations to expand global coverage.

  • Mesh Networks: Mesh networks, which leverage interconnected nodes to relay data, are gaining popularity for extending connectivity in challenging terrain. These networks can be powered by solar energy and provide resilient communication infrastructure in remote areas.

The basic features of solar-powered platforms - from solar panels to energy storage systems, monitoring capabilities to modularity and scalability - form the backbone of their success. By providing renewable energy, cost savings, off-grid capability, reduced environmental footprint, and reliable connectivity, these platforms not only address immediate needs but also pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Looking ahead, the future of solar-powered technology holds incredible potential. Advancements in solar panel efficiency, energy storage solutions, and connectivity technologies promise to further enhance the capabilities of remote communication infrastructure. From next-generation materials to advanced battery technologies, from 5G networks to satellite constellations, the evolution of solar-powered platforms is highly promising.

In a market characterised by diversity, from budget-friendly solutions for vacant properties and construction to advanced technologies tailored for complex environments, customers find themselves navigating a dynamic and complicated landscape. The aim of this article is to provide insights into the nuances that differentiate these systems and equipping you with the knowledge needed to make decisions to meet your requirements. At first glance, these systems from across the market may share common features and components, making it challenging for consumers to discern differences or efficacy.

The market's growth is driven by a confluence of factors—increased environmental sustainability awareness, technological advancements, and a growing demand for robust security solutions in off-grid locations.  The environmental impact of these systems is substantial, significantly reducing carbon footprints and aligning with broader sustainability goals. A thorough cost-benefit analysis reveals the long-term financial benefits of investing in high-quality solutions, emphasising durability, efficiency, and reduced operational costs.

Manufacturers play a pivotal role by prioritising maintenance, durability, and support, while integrating emerging technologies to stay cutting-edge. Scalability and customisation options enhance utility across diverse projects, and collaboration with experts and industry partnerships fosters the development of comprehensive solutions.

Resilience in adverse conditions is a critical consideration, with features like weather-resistant enclosures contributing to the reliability of these systems. User training programmes and feedback integration underscore the importance of a positive user experience and continuous improvement.

Despite challenges such as technological barriers, cost constraints, and regulatory uncertainties, the outlook for solar-powered surveillance and telecommunications systems is optimistic. Anticipated developments include new technologies, increased adoption of sustainable practices, and evolving regulations, with manufacturers actively looking to shape industry standards.

As the market evolves, the integration of solar-powered technologies promises a greener, more sustainable future, meeting the demands of diverse operational environments and contributing to the broader landscape of technological innovation.

Solar CCTV System
RAFT System

Unveiling the Market Dynamics

On the surface, many solar-powered surveillance and communications systems share common features such as solar arrays, deployable enclosures, and elevating masts for cameras and telecommunications equipment. This similarity often makes it challenging for potential consumers to discern the differences among these offerings.

Speak to different manufacturers about their technologies and ask them to explain the differences between components, costs and their capabilities.

Beyond Budgets

Designing and manufacturing these systems often involves navigating budgetary constraints. Lower-cost systems may opt for non-commercial-grade components or forego capabilities such as remote system control to achieve affordability. While these budget-friendly options may suffice for certain operational requirements, they might fall short for critical applications, including safeguarding Critical National Infrastructure or meeting the demands of intricate Oil & Gas environments.

Most expensive is not necessarily best, nor the cheapest as good as the best, review all your options and how to meet your operational requirement to match your budget.

Market Trends, Growth, and Environmental Impact

The market in the UK is experiencing significant growth, driven by a range of factors. Increasing awareness of environmental sustainability, coupled with advancements in solar technology and a growing need for robust security solutions, is propelling the market forward. Organisations across industries are recognising the benefits of adopting solar-powered systems, contributing to the overall expansion of this dynamic market.

As the market size is increasing, there are plenty of options to choose from. It’s worth shopping around providers and reviewing what systems are on offer, the sensors and devices they can integrate and how they can ensure uptime all year round.

Navigating Challenges with Diligence

While there are currently no dedicated and specific regulations around these systems, navigating the regulatory landscape remains a crucial aspect of their deployment. Although there are no industry-specific standards in place, general compliance with relevant legal requirements ensures the legality of installations and adherence to best practices. Understanding and meeting these broader regulatory requirements becomes essential for both providers and end-users to ensure the successful implementation and operation of these systems. This diligence is particularly important in maintaining a commitment to environmental responsibility, even in the absence of specific regulations tailored to this emerging technology.

Ask your manufacturer or provider about whether their systems meeting British Engineering Standards, UKCA marking and up to date Electrical Regulations. Lastly, it is worth requesting whether their platform has been reviewed for wind loading.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of solar-powered cannot be overstated. These systems significantly reduce carbon footprints by harnessing renewable energy sources. Embracing such technologies aligns with broader sustainability goals, making them an attractive choice for organizations looking to minimise their environmental impact while meeting security needs.

Most manufacturers and providers should be able to help you capture how much CO2e emissions are avoided, ask them to work with you to get this data.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

A thorough cost-benefit analysis is crucial when evaluating these systems. Initial investments in high-quality solutions can prove cost-effective over time. The durability, efficiency, and reduced operational costs associated with these systems make them an economically viable choice, offering long-term financial benefits along with positive environmental outcomes.

As part of your review of the market, it is important to conduct a cost benefit analysis. As mentioned previously, the most expensive is not necessarily the best, nor the cheapest the same as the best. If your requirement is an application in a complex environment (like Highways or Oil & Gas), then it’s likely you will need a platform at the higher end of the market. However, if you need a system, deployed over a short period of time with minimal functionality (like Vacant Property or Construction), then there are options available to meet this need.

Solar CCTV System
RAFT System (TCO Specification)

The Role of Maintenance, Durability, and Support

The durability and maintenance requirements of solar-powered surveillance and telecommunications systems play a crucial role in their overall effectiveness. Good manufacturers emphasise durability by incorporating high-quality components and innovative technologies into their products. By requiring minimal maintenance, these systems offer long-term reliability, reducing the total cost of ownership and ensuring continuous operation.

Maintenance and support are integral to the effective performance of these systems, so their capability can be fully realised in your operational requirement. Ask your provider whether they integrate premium components, provide maintenance and support with the deployment of their technologies.

Prioritising and Integrating Emerging Technologies

Keeping an eye on emerging technologies is essential in anticipating the future trajectory of these systems. Specialist manufacturers are well-positioned to leverage and adapt to emerging technologies. With a commitment to staying ahead of technological advancements, manufacturers should envision continuous improvements to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and capabilities of their products. This forward-looking approach positions them as a leader in the industry, ensuring that their solutions remain at the forefront of technological innovation. Insights into their technological roadmap signal the company's dedication to meeting evolving industry standards and exceeding customer expectations.

This market is highly agile and new technologies and integrations are being released frequently. Speak to your provider about new systems and devices, as there maybe other options to meet your needs.

Scalability and Customisation

The scalability of solar-powered surveillance and telecommunications systems is a critical factor in meeting the diverse needs of different projects and environments. Systems should be designed with flexibility in mind, allowing seamless adjustments to accommodate varying project sizes and complexities. Whether for a small-scale deployment in a construction site or a comprehensive solution for a sprawling industrial complex, they should provide customisation options that ensure optimal performance and resource utilisation. This adaptability addresses the unique challenges presented by a spectrum of operational environments.

The capability to scale and customise these technologies is important, especially when they are utilised in an environment with existing security systems and software. Ask your provider about how their systems can be customised for both integration into your site and to meet the precise operational requirement.

Working with Experts in Partnership

By engaging with other organisations, technology providers, and industry experts, manufacturers can tap into a pool of diverse expertise and resources. These collaborations contribute to the development of comprehensive solutions that integrate cutting-edge technologies and industry best practices. The exchange of knowledge and ideas in partnerships has played a pivotal role in advancing the solar-powered surveillance and telecommunications sector, enabling them to stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

It is important to note that most system manufacturers integrate and utilise components from other manufacturers, for example batteries, solar panels, control equipment, telecommunications and security sensors. All these components can drastically vary in quality and cost, and this can affect pricing in the finished product. As with customisation, it may be possible to exchange some components to reduce costs or in other cases increase costs, depending on the requirement.

Resilience in Adverse Conditions

In challenging environments and adverse weather conditions, these systems should continue to operate reliably, ensuring continuous surveillance and communications capabilities. Specific features such as weather-resistant enclosures, advanced energy storage solutions, and durable components contribute to the enhanced resilience of their systems. By integrating technologies that can withstand adverse conditions, these solutions would be well-suited for deployment in various challenging operational landscapes.

As these systems are deployed outside and often in poor weather conditions, it is important to find out from your provider whether they meet IP ratings and the extremities of temperature, to ensure they operate effectively on your site.

User Training Programmes

Training programs are designed to empower end-users with the knowledge and skills needed to maximise the capabilities of their systems. The accessibility of training, coupled with comprehensive support services, contributes to a positive user experience. User feedback consistently highlights the effectiveness of these training programs in enhancing user confidence, system optimisation, and the seamless integration of their solutions into diverse operational environments.

Training programmes are important to ensure the deployment of the systems you choose remain effective and operational, it is recommended that your designate someone responsible in your organisation to receive regular training and support. Ask your provider about what training and support you can receive.

Feedback Integration and Continuous Improvement

By listening to the needs and experiences of end-users, manufacturer identifies areas for enhancement and innovation. Specific instances where user feedback has led to product improvements demonstrate the company's responsiveness to the evolving requirements of the market. This iterative feedback loop ensures that these solutions remain adaptive, user-friendly, and aligned with the ever-changing landscape of solar-powered surveillance and telecommunications.

As an emerging market, feedback from customers is vital to ensure these systems continue to evolve and meet your requirements. Manufacturers and providers should be routinely asking for your feedback and contributions to developing their technologies.

As the UK market works towards the transformative potential of these systems, it is imperative for customers are well-informed and adequately supported as they navigate this dynamic market. The potential of these systems requires a deep understanding of technological nuances, and customers need to be equipped to make informed choices that align precisely with their operational needs. Manufacturers and providers stand at the forefront of this crucial task, playing a pivotal role in not only delivering cutting-edge solutions but also effectively communicating the intricacies of their technologies to end-users. By fostering an environment of transparency and knowledge-sharing, manufacturers empower customers to make confident, informed decisions that contribute to the successful integration of solar-powered technologies into diverse operational environments.

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